
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. (1 Peter 4:10-11)
Joining the Inside Team
Interested in serving on an upcoming weekend but haven’t been asked? Stay involved in the community—connect with others at our Ultreyas, attend monthly Secretariat Meetings, and complete/update your Servant Survey.
Rectors and Rectoresses are eager to know who desires to serve Christ with their time and gifts. They rely heavily on completed Servant Surveys as they form their team. If you are interested in serving on a team and have never filled one out—or if it has been a while since you completed your survey—please submit the form below.
Serving Outside of the Team
If you are not on the inside team of a weekend, there are still many ways you can serve!
—Sponsor someone! Talk to friends, family, co-workers and give them the gift you were given on your weekend.
—Attend Holy Hour and Closing.
—Volunteer for setup and tear-down crews.
—Volunteer for Kitchen Help.
—Sign up to pray during 24-Hour Prayer.
—Pray! Pray the candidates would encounter Jesus in new and refreshing ways. Pray the leadership would rely solely on Christ to lead their every action. Pray the team would be united and point others to seek Him in every moment and conversation. Pray that the Holy Spirit would have His way in the lives of each person on this weekend.
Secretariat Board
Each year new people are needed to fill positions on the Board. If you would like to be more involved with Southwest Michigan DeColores, this is a great way to serve the community and our Lord. Interested in joining us? Contact the President Team for more information and to inquire about potential open positions.