About Us
Southwest Michigan DeColores Ministries is a lay led Christian ministry, the purpose of which is to encourage leadership in local churches of southwest Michigan and northern Indiana.
DeColores means of colors in Spanish and is meant to reflect the many colors of God's love and grace through Christ. It is a movement, a retreat, and most important a method for spiritual renewal.
DeColores hopes to accomplish this purpose by calling individual Christians to a renewed commitment of faith, and by calling non-believers to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is not a substitute for membership in a local church, but it is a part of the world-wide Church and supported by followers of Christ in those communities. DeColores is not a church, does not seek to become a church, and unlike Christian church communities, does not offer any sacraments.
The ministry is comprised of members from various Christian denominations with a common goal of fulfilling the mission. Several spiritual retreat weekends are held each year that proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. These weekends are held at various churches, and attendance is available through sponsorship to anyone desiring to grow in relationship with Jesus. More information available on the Upcoming Events page.